Course Information

We offer four courses during the summer by age/level and two courses during the school year by grade.

Already taken one of our classes and not old enough for the next age level? Although each of the four courses we offer get more difficult by level, we write extended curriculum for students who return to any one of our classes for them to learn more and complete new challenges (including our after school program).

LEGO® WeDo Programming

6-8 Year Olds (Summer Classes)
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Grade (After School Classes)

Students learn to use a LabVIEW visual programming language to control LEGO® WeDo and other programmable robots. They will build and program their models with their partner while exploring a series of cross-curricular, theme-based activities to develop their skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics as well as language, literacy, and social studies.

LEGO® Robotics Graphical Coding

9-11 Year Olds (Summer Classes)

This class serves as an intermediary class between LabView and RobotC languages. Programs are written in blocks but use coding language to control LEGO® Mindstorms EV3 robots. Students do not need previous experience, and they are taught everything they need to know to become successful programmers. Instruction is adapted for every student's level and curriculum is extended for those who come back for more.

LEGO® Robotics Foundations

8-10 Year Olds (Spring Break and Summer Classes)
3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade (After School Classes)

As an introduction into programming and a precursor to the LEGO® Robotics Coding and Graphical Coding course, students and their teammate will be taught basic program structure using a LabVIEW visual programming language while controlling LEGO® Mindstorms EV3, WeDo 2.0, and various other programable robots and activities. Starting with LabVIEW allows the student to jump directly into programming logic at an early age without the need to learn code syntax. Each student and their teammate will compete with other teams to complete numerous programming challenges using the Robot Educator Model. Concepts taught and reinforced include:
  • teamwork
  • communication
  • resource allocation
  • scientific process
  • mathematics
  • engineering design
  • technological literacy
  • student-led innovation
  • problem solving
  • critical thinking
  • time management
  • determination and perseverance
  • engineering skills
  • accuracy and precision
  • elementary mathematical concepts (including decimals and fractions).

LEGO® Robotics Coding

11-14 Year Olds (Summer Classes)

Students are taught how to write programs in RobotC, a dialect of the industry standard C-programming language, to control LEGO® Mindstorms EV3 robots. The students will complete numerous programming challenges with a teammate using the Robot Educator Model. They are taught the language through hands-on experience and lesson plans developed by Katy Robotics Academy and the makers of the RobotC language, Carnegie Mellon Robotics Institute. Like all of our courses, students do not need previous experience, and they are taught everything they need to know to become successful programmers. Instruction is adapted for every student's level and curriculum is extended for those who come back for more. In addition to the concepts taught in the LEGO® Robotics Foundations and Graphical Coding class, students will also be exposed to the following programming fundamentals:
  • proper code design: whtespace, comments, and naming
  • top-down design: efficient coding practices and decomposition
  • assignment operators and comparison operators
  • control structures: while loops, if else statements, switch cases, and for loops
  • variable declaration, assignments, and usage
  • function return values
  • global variables
  • graphic display
  • sensor input

NEW! Python with LEGO® Spike Prime!